Articles related to tech

TheCoronaVirus Android App built using React-Native ⚛️ in Just A Day 🤯

TheCoronaVirus Android App built using React-Native ⚛️ in Just A Day 🤯

A simple and easy to use android app to track COVID-19. It also has a tool to take a self-test of covid19. Download App You can track the statistics in real-time. Sort the data by states and dates like today, yesterday. Even there’s a self-ass(…)

May 04, 20201 min read min
How I automated subscribing to 1000+ YouTube channels using JavaScript

How I automated subscribing to 1000+ YouTube channels using JavaScript

So, I had a new google account and I wanted all my old channels which I had subscribed to in my old account. The simple way was to just open the account’s channel page and subscribe to all the channels one by one by manually clicking them. Ini(…)

February 13, 20201 min read min

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